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Revista Telematics Fleet Tracker with Immobilisation

£259.99 £216.66
  • Free mobile installation
  • Lock down your vehicles at a touch of a button
  • Track your vehicles 24/7
  • Hard wired equipment
  • Completely hidden behind panels
  • Anti-Tamper Warnings
  • Live Map
  • Journey History
  • Geofencing
  • Driver and Administrator Apps
  • Driver Behaviour Insight
  • Speeding Reports

Exclusive to ineedatracker.com, make your vehicle fleet more efficient and safer on the road with Revista Telematics. In each of your commercial vehicle fleets you can install the most innovative technologies to improve driver safety and improve navigational accuracy. Revista Telematics has been designed to make fleets run more effectively to transport tools, equipment and products to where they need to be with ease.
This telematics fleet option will improve navigational accuracy too, reducing journey times and improving the entire driver experience. Improve the safety of your vehicle fleet with a dedicated telematics solution. Save money by reducing your fuel and maintenance costs.

Engine immobilisation

Prevent unauthorised use of your vehicles by remotely disabling and enabling the engine through the web portal or App. 

Apps available for Apple & Android

The GTETrack mobile app is a lite version of the Global Telemetrics desktop platform making it an essential tool for field-based managers & supervisors.
Available from the Apple App Store & Google Play Store.

Live Maps

Powered by Google Maps™ and updated every 30 seconds, live maps display the locations of your fleet in near real time accurate to within 3 meters. 
Vehicle colour coding allows easy identification of vehicles based on function, department or type. Stop & Play icons notify users if a vehicle is driving or parked.
Map view can be configured to display standard map view & satellite view with the ability to add traffic overlay & user configurable points of interest.


Revista Telematics offers users an ever-growing suite of reports that aim to drive efficiencies, simplify fleet administration, improve visibility & help reduce the risk.
The extensive reporting suite gives you the ability to generate reports against vehicle activity such as mileage and journey data, private/business mileage.Reports can also be scheduled to run automatically at your requested intervals and are emailed directly to you.

Journey History

Journey history is captured from the point of installation & stored for the life of the account and fully accessible directly from the Global Telemetrics platform.
When generating a journey history report a summary table is produced for the vehicle or vehicles which highlights distance travelled, number of journeys and total drive time for that reporting period.
Users can select “More Details” for a specific vehicle or driver that opens a full journey history breakdown with street level information & postcode detail. This includes start, stopped and end times for each journey.

Driver Performance

Driver performance analyses four key areas of driving style – Speeding, harsh braking, accelerating & cornering.
Number of events, event severity and driving distance are factored into the overall scoring to ensure drivers covering greater distances aren’t impeded for having a greater number of events.
A top-level summary highlights the overall score for the entire fleet or specific cost centre the report has been generated for with a scoring breakdown provided for each event type. This includes total number of events for the reporting period and a red, amber, green colour coding system.
Users can then select an individual driver scorecard and review event detail specific to them with date, time & location stamps to highlight where the event occurred and event severity.
The ability to monitor driving ability is an important tool to your business as it can ultimately save you money. This is because vehicles fitted with Revista Telematics typically use 15% less fuel. As an example, if a vehicle uses £100 a week of fuel, a 15% saving could represent a saving of £780 a year.
Due to the vehicle being monitored, savings can also be made through reduced wear and tear as less strain will be placed on the:
- engine through reduced harsh acceleration
- brake pads and discs through reduced harsh braking
- tyres and suspension through reduced harsh cornering


Geofences allow users to create a perimeter around a key business location (customer, supplier, office, depot) and receive notifications when all vehicles or a specific vehicle enters or exits that area. Geofences are commonly used to ensure vehicles arrive and leave site on time, monitor frequency of visits to specific sites or to ensure drivers arrive home safely which is particularly useful for lone working, although they do have many more applications.


Cash flow friendly

The initial cost of the hardware for the Revista Telematics Solution with built-in immobiliser comes in at just £216.66 plus VAT, helping to minimise your initial investment and maintaining the business' cash flow.
For your convenience, our nationwide network of engineers will come to your premises to install the system, typically taking less than 2 hours to complete the work, which ensures that there is minimal disruption to your business.
The unit is hardwired and completely integrated into the vehicle which means that the unit along with all the wires are completely hidden, maintaining your vehicles look and image.

Visit www.revistatelematics.co.uk for more information on what this amazing Telematics solution can do for your business.

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